LOGIN INSTRUCTIONS: If you have logged in to Banner before, skip to the “Subsequent Logins” section.
Initial login:
1. Go to 51jiyangshi.com. Click the Menu link at the upper right; then choose MyUD, “Banner Web,” and select “Register for courses, update your personal information”. Next, click "enter secure area".
Banner Web
2. Enter User ID, which is your 9-digit UD ID number. If do not know your UD ID number, please call our office at (972) 721-5221.
3. Initial PIN: your birthdate in numerical form (mmddyy). Ex: Jan. 5, 1997 = 010597
Note: If your birthdate is not in the computer system, your PIN is the last 6 digits of your ID.
4. You must immediately change to a new PIN, which must be 6-15 alphabetic and numeric characters (no special characters). To do so, re-enter your birthdate and then enter the new PIN twice, as prompted. Remember this PIN for subsequent logins.
5. Enter a security question and answer. The question and answer have no relationship
to the PIN. If you forget your PIN, the system will use the security question to
allow you to enter a new PIN.
Subsequent logins:
1. Use the MyUD link from the University homepage as above.
2. Enter 9-digit User ID as above.
3. Enter the PIN you created when you first logged in. This is the PIN you created, NOT the PIN your advisor gave you at registration.
4. If you don’t remember your PIN, enter your 9-digit ID as above, leave the PIN blank, and then click the Forgot PIN button. The system will ask you your security question. When you have answered it correctly, it will prompt you to create a new PIN, which must be 6-15 alphabetic and numeric characters (no special characters). Remember this PIN for subsequent logins. Be sure to try the “Forgot PIN” button before you call our office.
Note: You are allowed only a certain number of attempts before the system disables your login, so don’t “guess” your PIN more than 4 times before using the “Forgot PIN” button.
** SECURITY NOTES: Do not give other people your PIN. By using your Banner Web account, you accept responsibility for financial and academic consequences. The system records the actions you have taken via the web. If you give out your PIN, you are also accepting responsibility for whatever the other person does to your account! KEEP YOUR PIN PRIVATE.
It is important to EXIT the BROWSER (not just exit Banner Web) when you are finished. Otherwise, another user can simply use the browser back-arrow to enter your record without having to log in.
I. Before registration begins:
- Check and update your contact information. Choose “Personal Information” on main menu and update your addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses.
- Check your registration status, including your advisor and holds. From the main menu, go to Students – Registration – Check your Registration Status. Click the “View Holds” link for holds.
- You can change your “preferred” email address by completing the form in the Registrar’s Office. However, official email notices will still be sent to your UD email address, so if you use a private account, forward your UD mail to forward to a private account that you check daily. Call the AIS office for help (972-721-4137, or email bweathe@51jiyangshi.com).
Note: To return to a previous menu, you can use the menu across the top of the page, or click on Return to Menu at the upper right until you see the menu you want.
- Look up Classes: Before registration begins, use this link to view the schedule of classes. From the main menu: Students – Registration – Look up Classes to Add.
- Choose the term from the drop-down menu and click Submit;
- Choose a subject from the menu, click Course Search, and choose a course to see section details. OR
- Choose Advanced Search, select a subject, and click Section Search to see all course sections on the same screen, with time, instructor, and capacity.
“Cap” = capacity; “Act” = actual enrollment - seats taken already; “Rem” = seats remaining.
“NR” or “SR” beside the course number = registration is not yet available for that section or for you.
II. Registration Process:
- After logging in, click on Students – Registration – Add/Drop Classes
- Enter your Alternate Pin, the registration PIN from your advisor.
- Either: enter CRNs (5-digit shortcuts for sections) on worksheet and press Submit,
- Or: choose a Subject area and click "course search" as described above,
- Choose a course to see section details, click the Select box of the section you wish to add, and click "register". (“C” indicates course is closed; “NR” or “SR” indicates you cannot register for the section yet.)
- If you select Add to Worksheet, you must click Submit Changes on the next screen.
- To see all courses in a subject area: click "advanced search", choose the subject
area, and
click "section search" at bottom of screen, - Click the select box of the section you wish to add, and click "register"
- “Web Registered” will appear next to the course on your registration.
After you click "register", the current schedule screen displays your courses and any errors
After you have registered, check your schedule by clicking on "student detail schedule" or "student schedule" by day & time on the registration menu. Exit Banner Web and the browser when you are finished.
Error Messages:
“Instructor” or “Dean” – signature of instructor or dean is required to register for
the course.
- Note: Capacity overrides require the signature of the department chair.
“Time conflict with [CRN]” – indicates sections that conflict. Add during the registrar office registration times.
“Level restriction” – undergraduates cannot register for graduate courses. Check for an undergraduate listing.
“CORQ” – co-requisite restriction. Add the course and its co-requisite at the same time.
“PREQ” -- course has a prerequisite which must be completed before you can register for the course.
Other Restrictions:
You cannot register for audits or internships online. Variable-credit courses (e.g.
PHY 4V44) will default to 1 credit, so you will need to come to the registration line
during the “office” registration times to change these credits or to add audits, internships,
conflicts, or courses requiring special approval.